A Man(ある男)

Eli K.P. William訳





“Hirano’s English-language debut, a shape-shifting psychological thriller… As back-alley gritty and entertaining as a Raymond Chandler novel, the book asks what it means to be ‘you,’ and suggests that the answer means nothing at all. Hirano’s stylish, suspenseful noir should earn him a stateside audience.
Publishers Weekly

“As an added bonus to the sympathetic characters and a well-constructed narrative is the detailed exploration of the complexities of the Japanese family registration system that made deception possible.”
—Japan Times

“A Man, beautifully translated by Eli K.P. William, can stand proudly on its own two feet as an excellent, meditative work.”
Asymptote Journal

“What sort of novel is A Man? Hirano dangles a number of possibilities before the reader, from existential thriller to full-on spy novel. That a novel that deals so thoroughly with the ambiguities of identity should have its own identity be in question is utterly fitting. Did I mention it’s also a gripping read?”
Words Without Borders

“Canadian writer Eli K. P. William, who has lived in Japan for more than a decade, deftly captures the subtle emotional nuances characteristic of the Japanese language… A Man is an insightful primer for readers interested in knowing more about Japanese culture and social issues.”
—The Straits Times


Eli K.P. William

イーライ・K・P・ウィリアム(Eli K.P. William)は、カナダ生まれ、日本在住の作家。 日本SF作家クラブ会員。著書に、近未来の東京を舞台にした『The Jubilee Cycle』三部作がある。また、読売文学賞受賞作品『ある男』(著:平野啓一郎)の英語版『A Man』など、文芸翻訳も手がける。その他『Monkey』、『すばる』、『Granta』、『SF Prologue Wave』などに、翻訳やエッセイ、書評、短編小説を寄稿。現在、未来のコミュニケーションをキーワードとした長編小説と日本SF通史を執筆中。
